As a local chapter of SIOP, BayState IO is a professional community that connects individuals in Massachusetts who are interested in or practice applying Psychology to the workplace. Our mission is to provide a strong network for our members to build authentic connections and receive professional development opportunities that support career growth.
Interested in joining our community?
Select the group that best describes you to learn more about the criteria/benefits of being a member:
Student Members
Click below to view member criteria and benefits... Student members of BayState IO are full-time or part-time graduate students in IO psychology, organizational behavior or related psychology programs emphasizing the application of IO psychology principles and practices to the workplace. Membership benefits include: - Be part of a professional community focused on psychology applied to work - Participate in interactive live and virtual programs designed to advance your knowledge of trends in IO psychology and stimulate local dialogue among peers on issues of mutual interest - Receive discounts or free admittance to programs and special events - Access leadership opportunities (i.e., serving the organization and its members through Executive Team roles, committee service, mentorship, and/or community outreach) - Be listed and have access to our members-only directory - Access online forums for continued discussion, networking, and collaboration
Professional Members
Click below to view member criteria and benefits... Professional members of BayState IO have either received masters or doctorate-level training in psychology, organizational behavior, or related fields or apply principles and practices of IO psychology to the workplace through internal organizational practice, external consulting, and academia. Membership benefits include: - Be part of a professional community focused on psychology applied to work - Participate in interactive live and virtual programs designed to advance your knowledge of trends in IO psychology and stimulate local dialogue among peers on issues of mutual interest - Receive discounts or free admittance to programs and special events - Access leadership opportunities (i.e., serving the organization and its members through Executive Team roles, committee service, mentorship, and/or community outreach) - Be listed and have access to our members-only directory - Access online forums for continued discussion, networking, and collaboration - Vote in elections for BayState IO Executive Team membership (Professional members)
Click either of the following for the next steps of your member journey: